Quarter 1: January – March 2020
Corporate Governance Training
AWEIK held its first corporate governance training in January 2020 at the Silver Springs Hotel. The purpose of the training was to induct the incoming Board and some of the members of the Association. The aim of the training was to present a framework designed to meet regulatory and statutory requirements, achieve effective, self-regulation, and provide the flexibility to manage changes which are inevitable for an evolving and developing organization like AWEIK. It is structured around the main principles of the International and Kenyan Corporate Governance regulations. As a result, the operations of the Association are streamlined guided by robust policies.
Corporate Governance Training: The Association of Women in Energy and Extractives in Kenya (AWEIK) on 31st January, 2020 at Silver Springs Hotel, Nairobi
Appointment of a Chief Executive Officer
In March 2020, AWEIK welcomed to its team Hannah Wang’ombe as the Chief Executive Officer. Hannah would be in charge of AWEIK’s day-to-day functions, decision making, setting the tone, and implementing AWEIK’s vision and goals as well as build and model a great culture for the Association.
Previously Hannah was Head of Strategy and Planning as well as a researcher at the Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA), the leading Global think tank in Sub Sahara Africa. Her research interests and contribution in the extractives industry include Kenya are around issues on artisanal small scale mining and socio economic effects of large scale mining, on indigenous communities as well as investigating the impact of extractive industries on political settlements and conflict. In past she regularly contributed to opinion pages in the Business Daily on current policy taking place in the extractives industry in Kenya. Hannah has a Bsc in Economics from Daystar University, Kenya and an Msc. in International Finance and Economic Development from the University of Kent, UK.