Women in Mining
Helping Break Barriers for Women in the Industry
AWEIK is dedicated to creating an enabling environment for women who are thriving in the mining industry and those that wish to pursue a career in the same. We are geared towards cultural transformation by championing policies that advocate for female diversity in this male-dominated field.
Our objectives and goals work hand in hand to achieve our vision statement by:
Promoting and increasing awareness of the mining and extractives industry as a source of stable income generator for all women
Advocating for the introduction and implementation of policies that address the pain points of women in the industry.
Enabling women to gain access to career opportunities, training programs, and mentors so that they don’t miss out on the economic benefits of the mining sector.
Championing for the integration of women in the mining industry by getting into partnerships that promote the sustainable development of the female workforce in the industry.
Planning for workshops and platforms where women can interact with female industry leaders and gain the skills necessary for them to advance their careers in their respective fields.
Women Empowerment
Women empowerment in the mining industry can be achieved by ensuring women benefit equally from educational and mentorship programs. AWEIK plays the essential role of supporting diversity, bringing women together, and being their voice in the sector.
The Association works with various mining communities through AWEIK chapters to facilitate the involvement of grassroots ASM women in mining development activities within their counties.
It has key chapters in:
- Taita Taveta
- Kwale
- Turkana
- Kakamega
- Other chapters in the process of the establishment include Narok, Kwale, Kitui, Tharaka Nithi, West Pokot and Samburu chapters.
Madini SACCO
Madini Sacco offers a savings platform for the ASM miners countrywide. The main aim of Madini Sacco will be to provide an opportunity for each of its members to improve their respective economic and social conditions through promotion of financial access through loans to small and medium-scale miners and dealers who cannot access credit facilities from commercial banks. To become a member, write to us, [email protected]